Rabid fans
high book sales

Uncanny Unedited makes author marketing easier, so you can get back to your keyboard (& the characters you love) 


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Becoming an author is 

something you’ve dreamed 

about. Now that you’re “doing the damn thing” and writing 

the damn book (or maybe already published it!), you can sit 

back and relax. The readers will come to you.

Becoming an author is something you’ve dreamed about. Now that you’re “doing the damn thing” and writing the damn book (or maybe already published it!), you can sit back and relax. The readers will come to you.

Today, self-published authors are faced with a whole new challenge:

Becoming their own hype squad.

After writing the book comes editing and beta readers, and more editing. Then formatting and cover design. Or pitching agents and publishing houses. Maybe learning how to upload your novel to KDP. And then…

Wanting to be an author isn’t just writing a book nowadays. It’s marketing, PR, and sales.

You’re essentially a business owner — but all you’ve ever wanted to do is write.

we can help: let's chat.

That's where we come in.

then there's the marketing.

Whether you want to stay self-published OR convince a publishing house that your book is the shit (because it is), you need a rabid fan base.

That means leveraging marketing strategies like:

Social media
In-person events
… and more

Not so fun fact

Most publishing houses deny new authors with fewer than 20k followers. You have to have the readership before they’ll take a chance.



As a full-service social media, email, and digital marketing agency for authors, we can help you stand out as an author, sell books (print or digital), and get you back to your beloved keyboard already.

Let’s turn some of those age-old tropes into best-selling books, shall we?

Enemies to Lovers Membership

Succeed with social even if you hate it

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The One Bed Inn Quarter Strategy

Everything changes with this one-quarter marketing plan

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Full Service Package

Get everything you need, with full-service copywriting

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This isn’t the place to be if you want a straight, old, white man to tell you what “the publishing houses are looking for.” We’re here to tell you what your READERS are looking for, and how you can connect with more of them — whether you’re traditionally published, self-published, or a hybrid.

Browse our services

is for everyone

Uncanny Unedited was created because, as a team, our love of books runs deep. But not just Oprah’s Book Club books or the popular chick lit promoted by The Today Show. We love a grungy self-published mafia romance. A romantasy series with dragons and fat female protags. A gay MM space opera. A BIPOC queer lead. Hell, even smut written about doorknobs.

who the hell are we?

We believe that, with the right support, we can get your book into the hands and ears of more readers. Our support is designed to help you choose the platforms that feel the best for you, and help you design a strategy that is true to your capacity, your personality, and your characters (because they matter, too).

We can’t wait to help you build a cult following that’s chomping at the bit for every sneak peek, new release, or convention appearance.

We are rooting for the Kings and Queens (and Queers) of KDP self-publishing.

The thing about being an author? You’re usually not getting paid to build new worlds and release new books. If anything, it’s an investment in the future you see for yourself and your books — and we totally get that.

If our 1:1 marketing plan or Enemies to Lovers Community aren’t in the ol’ budget right now, we’ve got other solutions for you. Browse our Uncanny Unedited Shop, where we have marketing checklists and templates to help you launch and promote your books.

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Book Marketing Calendars

Pre-Launch Book Marketing Calendar


Book Release Marketing Checklist


Post-Launch Book Marketing Calendar


Full 5-Month Book Marketing Calendar


Book Marketing Guides

TikTok for Authors


Author Site Audit


Author Brand Voice Guide


Smut Swag

(just for funsies)

"Only Into Villains"


"I Was Interrupted Here" Bookmark


"I Do It All Night (Read)"


"Smut Makes Me Thirsty"
Water Bottle


We write, too

(But mostly non-fiction)

Want to hear our thoughts on author marketing strategy, the latest happenings in the self-publishing world, and tips for growing your readership? Read the latest chapter in the Book Tropes & Tequila Blog.

Browse the blog →

latest from the blog:

We show you exactly what to share, where to share it, and when with our FREE Book Launch Marketing Checklist. Grab it here and have readers itching for your release day.